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What is ACRA BizFile?


The information of a company must be submitted to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, i.e., ACRA, by anybody wanting to register a company in Singapore. Before 2004, business owners were required to visit the Registry of Companies and Businesses (RoC) and complete the formalities in person. The process is much improved since ACRA introduced BizFile, an online web system that enables users to file, retrieve and buy business data. Nowadays, you can incorporate your Singapore company online.

In 2016, to incorporate the growing number of transactions and improve the processing time, BizFile was redesigned to create an upgraded platform, BizFile+. Today, thanks to BizFile+, businesses can access around 400 services electronically. In this article, we share with you common features of the portal used by all entities and businesses in Singapore.

How can I register my company using BizFile?

To register a company in Singapore, you need to log in to BizFile+. For the first time registration, the users will need to use their SingPass. SingPass, the Singapore Personal Access Password, serves as a digital signature that verifies your identity. SingPass is available only for Singapore residents. Foreign individuals and companies who want to access BizFile transactions (like incorporating a company) need to work with Corporate Service Providers, who can access BizFile on their behalf.

After the company is set up, you will need to register for CorpPass. The CorpPass is required for making transactions in BizFile+ for your entity. Just like SingPass, CorpPass is only granted to Singapore residents, some work pass holders, and permanent residence holders.

What are the benefits of using ACRA BizFile?

ACRA BizFile manages the company's end-to-end transactions. BizFile has combined several online processes such as registration, discontinuation of the company, document administration, financial concerns, and reporting system. With BizFile's paperless approach, companies can save a lot of time that was earlier required in official transactions. It also has made transactions easy and faster as compared to paper-based methods. Before the launch of ACRA BizFile, these processes would take days to complete. But now companies can perform these transactions online in mere minutes.